I'm not a birthday girl anymore. Dah 28hb ye hari ini.
pic. from Google |
Terharu. Ramai yg still sudi wish happy birthday.
Since dinaikkan pangkat as a Officer-gajiciputgile (astaghfirullahalazim.. sila lah bersyukur wahai hamba allah) last 2 years saya masih di takuk and lekuk yg sama. Nothing much.
When i was 24y 9mo i got married.
Deliver my first baby when i was 25y 7mo
and yesterday.. i'm 26years old... old? Adoii.
Height masih kekal 167.5cm
Berat...... rahsia. hahahahaha
To be a lot better than previous years, but i will start it tomorrow, because today i'm still doing what i promise not to do...hihihi.
I'll try to be a better person.
Will try to be a good daughter to my parents.
A good sister to my sister.
A good wife to my husband.
..and a good mother to my son.
courtesy to keretamayat : Jgn malu nak bertaubat kerana dh byk kali buat dosa, tp malulah kalau asyik ulang dosa byk kali sbb dah byk kali bertaubat.
Another year for me. My pray... Hope this year i will be much more better.