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Why? Norwex? Young Living? Kucate?

Why you suddenly berniaga?

Heheheehe saja.

Why Norwex?

Mula mula dulu, when i scrolled my IG feed nampak ramai influencer pormote Norwex ni.

Terpikat jugak lah bila nmpak how easy they use the cloth and only water je lap lap everywhere in the house kan. Then one of my friends promote juga, so to support my friend's bussiness i order lah the basic set, which yg ada enviro, kitchen cloth and window cloth. I top up beli cleaning paste.

Masya allah, it work wonders. Cerah cermin slinding door rumah!

Then another friends berjaya pujuk i jadi consultant. Sebab kata dia, i ni memang dah in love with the product, and i kept on buying plak tu, baik lah jadi member, nanti boleh collect host gift bagai. So it started there. Collect order from office mate. Belikan utk ibu, ya, chu and mak.

I bought the chopping board. ye 10 tahun kawen baru ku tukar chopping board hahahaha.Then the mop. Then the towel. hahahha

Because i found it very benificial to me, I promote.

I got lah sikit commision.

This car set is my favourite. Terus jadi rajin cuci kereta!

Why YL?

My favourite

I have been using YL essential oils years before.

I use RC for my sinusitis problem.

I bought White Angelica to smell good and motivated.

Guna sikit sikit sebab rasa mahalnya minyak ni.


Then my friend cakap, jadilah member, you promote, you collect bulk order, you'll get commission or points that can use to buy you your minyak!

I sold.

I started to promote YL in my social media post.

Open order to officemate.

Enrolled ya as my 1st enrollment. hahahaha

Macam Norwex juga, i love Young Living products. It benefit me and my family, of course benda baik kena kongsi with others kan.

Now everymonth wajib top up stock oils,Ningxia red and bloom collagen.

I got 24% points from this monthly essential reward, then points to boleh lah claim minyak mahal!

Why Kucate?

Kucate ni new product mak Neelofa, semua org tau Neelofa ni jual apa pun laku, tudung, susu, bantal nunha dia pun org suka.

My cerita with kucate pulak begin with aku tertanya tanya apebenda lah kucate kucate ni.

So when one of my cousin in law promote kat social media dia, i pun pm lah tanya, amende kucate ni, rupanya kuca = kacau, te=teh. air teh rupanya. Cube sebiji ala2 supercube tu. Rendam dalam air, kacau kacau ready to minum.

Actually, months before tu i ada rasa nak beli supercube, mmg plan nak order yg ada osmanthus tu, tapi masa i put on sosmed, my in law btau dia kata tak sedap, dia minum few cubes je pastu ada banyak lebih and she offer to give me the whole box. Tapi pkp lah apa lah tak pegi pun rumah dia, tak ambik pun.

Seketul cube gula batu, honey with bunga/longan/halia in the cube. To serve, letak seketul kiub dalam air panas, kuca kuca kuca tadaaa hot and teh tersedap sedia utk diminum! Benda senang gini memang favourite.

My cousin in law yg jual kucate ni jual supercube juga, she gave me samples of supercube for me to rasa. and try compare ngn kucate ni.

The moment she ajak to become a member, of course lah setuju sbb kucate ni free je daftar jadi member.

And once dah jadi member automatic you can buy kucate with member price. Jimat!

and since it is sedap and beneficial for health that is why i keep on promoting it.

If you buy from me, Alhamdulillah i got my comission, if you buy it from others i still got pahala because sharing the good things kan. hehehe.

the flavour and price

Gitulah ceritanya how suddenly i rajin nak meniaga.


Welcoming 2024

Lets pray for a better year than 2023. aamiin ya rabb.